Friday, June 04, 2010

Winds of Change: Ohio Legislature Passes Renewable Energy Tax Reform

It’s about time we find ways to utilize renewable energy sources in the U.S. while creating the jobs that go with them. Ohio is proposing seven new wind farms in their quest for renewable energy according to Wind and Solar Jobs for Ohio, a grassroots coalition in Ohio.

Passing the bill, known as Sub Senate Bill 232, was a bipartisan effort. Both parties put aside their differences to bring Ohio's tax structure for wind development in line those of surrounding states. With this vote, Ohio lawmakers have positioned the state to create thousands of Ohio manufacturing, construction, operations and maintenance jobs in the wind industry and protected the existing manufacturing jobs resulting from new wind turbine orders.

This renewable energy tax reform strengthened the renewable market and secured millions of dollars in new tax revenue for local communities in Ohio.

You can read the full article here.

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