Saturday, May 01, 2010

Californians Divided Over Paying Higher Taxes to Prevent Public Education Cuts

The Public Policy Institute of California conducted a poll earlier this week to gauge how taxpayers in the state felt about paying higher taxes to prevent major cuts to public education. According to the California Independent Voter Network although Californians are concerned about cuts to education, they remain wary of paying higher taxes to fund what is needed to prevent those cuts. Check out a section of their analysis of the pool below.

Californians today are more likely to believe that funding for their local schools is inadequate, and parents who send their children to public schools believe that the state budget cuts have had a big effect on their children's schools. Among ethnic groups, Blacks and Whites are far more likely to believe that the quality of education is a problem as compared to Asians and Hispanics. Blacks and Hispanics are much more likely than Whites to be worried about the quality of education.

Californians also want education to be protected from spending cuts and believe gubernatorial candidates’ positions on education are important. Despite this all of these concerns, Californians are split on whether to pay higher taxes to restore the cuts.

Here are some highlights from the poll:

62 percent believe there is not enough state funding going to their public schools, a 12 point increase since April 2009, while 26 percent believe there is just enough, 6 percent more than enough.

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