Check out the following new Questions for the Tax Lady answers and feel free to ask me questions through one of the links below. You can send me an email, direct message or @ reply, and I will do my best to get an answer for you!

Question #1: I’m self-employed, and have all of the documents ready to prepare my 2009 tax return. When is the earliest I can file?
Well first of all congratulations on getting your financial documents gathered and organized early. However, the IRS does not generally begin accepting and processing returns until January 15th. The usually begin accepting e-filed returns a few days prior, but I would say it is best to wait until after the 15th to file your return.
Question # 2: Can you recommend any good charities to donate to before the end of the year?
Yes, there are plenty of charities listed on the IRS’s website that you can choose from but I always recommend The Hannah Rose Foundation. They accept donations online, and you can print out your receipt and put it right into the charitable contributions folder in your filing cabinet. I also support Prevent Child Abuse America, and they also accept donations online here. Finally, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) is another charity dear to my heart. You can find information for donating to them online, here.