Check out the following new Questions for the Tax Lady answers and feel free to ask me questions through one of the links below. You can send me an email, direct message or @ reply, and I will do my best to get an answer for you!

Question #1: I have a small business with a few employees. If I throw a holiday party for them can I write off the expenses?
Yes, the IRS will let you deduct all expenses related to throwing a holiday office party. You could also deduct the costs of presents for your employees, as long as you do not give out cash or items easily exchangeable for cash, such as stocks.
Question # 2: What are some last minute ways to lower my taxable income for the year?
There are lots of quick ways you can lower your taxable income without leaving your computer. First of all, you could make a charitable donation. The Hannah Rose Foundation, a cause near to my heart, accepts donations online. Just remember to print out your receipt. You could also make an extra mortgage payment, or order energy efficient appliances online. For a list of 10 ways to lower your tax liability in under 10 minutes, check out this article on the RDTC Tax Help Blog.