Monday, October 11, 2010

California Senate Approves a Budget Plan

100 days after the constitutional deadline to pass a budget, the California Senate finally came to an agreement and sent a budget to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. According to, the vote came after a long night of floor votes and party caucuses. However, not everyone is happy about the new changes and spending cuts it includes.

"This budget has too much spending, which could make next year's deficit even worse. I'm voting no, "said Sen. Jeff Denham, (R) Merced.

Democrats say the spending plan is fair.

The state Assembly passed the main bill Thursday afternoon in a legislative package aimed at ending California's record budget impasse and closing a $19 billion deficit. Trailer bill list

Lawmakers voted 54-1 Thursday in favor of the measure, SB970, getting just enough support in the 80-member house to reach the required two-thirds vote threshold.

The budget package contains no new taxes or fees, and just 40 percent of the gaping deficit would be closed by additional spending cuts. The rest would be addressed through rosy revenue assumptions and creative accounting.