Monday, June 21, 2010

Nearly 1,400 O.C. Residents Miss IRS Refunds

Almost 1,400 residents of Orange County, California have not received their IRS refunds, reportedly because of a mailing error. The IRS is trying to identify and re-send the failed refunds, however many taxpayers from Orange County are apparently fed up with waiting. The Orange County Register posted a story on the ongoing problem; you can read a section below or the full story here.

Some 1,380 Orange County residents have yet to claim their 2009 IRS refunds for one simple reason -- the IRS can't find them.

They're not alone. This year, $123.5 million in 107,831 refund checks were returned to the IRS by the U.S. Postal Service due to mailing address errors.

To get the money, you need to update your mailing address with the Internal Revenue Service. The IRS will then send out all checks due.

Undeliverable refund checks average $1,148 this year, compared to $990 last year. Some taxpayers are due more than one check.

Click here to jump to our database of U.S. residents who are missing checks.