Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Half of all loan modifications delinquent again within year


It’s looking like homeowners who received loan modifications last year are already falling behind according to a federal report released Wednesday. I think this is an absolute tragedy—this economy continues to wreak havoc on the lives of many! Here’s what the article had to say:

Modifications made under President Obama's foreclosure prevention program, known as HAMP, had lower re-default rates than non-government modifications. Some 7.7% of HAMP modifications were delinquent after three months, compared with 11.3% of all modifications.

Is this an all-across-the-board problem or were there some loan modifications that fared better? HAMP had lower default rates than other non-government modifications. Under the HAMP program borrows receive incentives for making timely mortgage payments and they have their monthly payments reduced to no more than 31% of their pre-tax income.

Many experts say that servicers must do more principal reduction if they want to halt the foreclosure tidal wave. Homeowners are more likely to walk away if they owe much more than the home is worth, a situation about 1 in 4 borrowers find themselves in.

What are your thoughts on loan modifications or government programs like HAMP? Do you agree with borrowers getting incentives for paying their mortgages on time?