Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Mcdonald's Co-Owner Admits Cheating IRS Out of More than $600k

Yesterday a McDonald’s franchise owner in Minnesota plead guilty to charges of IRS tax evasion. The husband and wife cheated the IRS out of more than $600,000 in payroll taxes, and could face up to five years in prison as a result.

According to the Star Tribune post below, the couple cheated the IRS by failing to turn over the employment taxes that were collected.

Stephen J. Kopel, 62, of Rosemount, pleaded guilty Tuesday in federal court in Minneapolis to willful failure to account for and pay taxes.

Kopel, whose S&P Foods Inc. operates a McDonald's near 150th Street and Robert Trail, failed to pay over employment taxes to the IRS from 2003-2006. The total in unpaid taxes from those years was $627,437.41.

Kopel faces a potential maximum penalty of five years in prison. Sentencing has yet to be scheduled.