Tuesday, March 23, 2010

California Lawmakers Approve Tax Breaks to Create Jobs

On Monday, lawmakers in California sent Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger two job creation bills. The first piece of legislation would extend the $10,000 homebuyer's tax credit through the end of while the second would provide tax break to the green-technology industry.

According to Business Week, the Senate and Assembly passed the bills with bipartisan support in hopes of promoting housing construction and making California more inviting to businesses involved in developing alternative energy.

"Today, the Legislature approved two important job creation measures that put Californians back to work," Assembly Speaker John Perez said in a statement after the votes were completed.

Passage of the legislation was intended to buy favor with Schwarzenegger in hopes that he would sign a budget bill Democrats sent to him earlier this month. That bill involves a complicated swap of the state sales tax on gasoline for a gasoline excise tax that would send more money to the cash-starved general fund.

The governor signed that bill late Monday and indicated he would sign the two tax-break bills later.

Continue reading at Business Week.com…