Monday, January 25, 2010

Roni Deutch Tax Center Ready to Help Local Volunteers

Last week a Roni Deutch Tax Center franchisee was featured in a news story because of their fundraising effort for their local fire department. I am proud to see the charitable nature of this storeowner, and the enthusiasm their office has for their local community. Checkout the following article from

The Roni Deutch Tax Center located at 24-11 Fair Lawn Ave. in Fair Lawn, will be conducting a fundraiser for the Fair Lawn Fire Department and First Aid Squad. This tax season, from now until April 15, the Tax Center will donate $20 to the fire department and first aid squad for every tax return completed.

"We appreciate everything we can get and it's very nice of them to do something to support our efforts," said Jay Bender, a 39-year fire department volunteer of Company 4.

"The community should be aware and support our fire department and first aid squad," said Roni Deutch Tax Center Manager Lisa Hartensveld.

Last year, the tax center partnered with the first aid squad and raised just over $200. This will be Roni Deutch's second tax season in Fair Lawn, and the company hopes to raise even more money this year.

"The money does add up very fast and this is our way of giving back to the community" said Harensveld.

Every customer who wishes to participate in the fundraiser must mention the fire department or rescue squad when they come in to have their taxes completed. The customer will not be charged the $20 for the donation; it will be donated by the tax center.

For more on the fundraiser, call the Roni Deutch Tax Center at 201-663-9055.