Thursday, December 31, 2009

10 Secrets the IRS Does Not Want You to Know

Dealing with IRS collection agents can be a scary thing, however as this blog entry from my law firm’s website points out, there are dozens of secrets about the tax debt collection process that the IRS does not want taxpayers to know. After defending Americans against the IRS for nearly twenty years, my staff and I are familiar with all of the IRS’ secrets and collection tactics. I have included a few of the items on the top 10 list below, but you can check out the full text at the Roni Deutch Tax Relief Blog.

1. Automatic Extensions

Although we all rush to get our tax returns filed before the April 15th filing deadline ever year, the IRS actually provides you with an easy way to get an extra six months to file your return. By requesting an automatic extension using IRS Form 4868, you can get a few extra months to file your return. In many cases, it is often better to request an extension then to file a flawed return that will result in an audit or back tax liability.

In addition, filing for an extension alone carries no penalty with it. Rather, it is the failure to pay on time that will result in interest and penalties. An automatic extension does not extend the deadline to pay taxes to the IRS. Therefore, if you anticipate having an outstanding tax liability, you will still need to pay the IRS by April 15th to avoid penalties and interest. On the other hand, if you are expecting a refund, then you need not worry about being penalized for requesting an extension.

2. The IRS Wants To Settle Quickly

It may not seem like it when you are dealing with them, but the IRS actually wants to settle your delinquent account as quickly as possible because pursuing collections against you can be expensive. In some cases, the IRS can even be convinced to settle your account for less than what you owe. However, you will need to convince the IRS that because of your financial circumstances it is better for them to accept your offer to pay a reduced amount.

3. The IRS Does Not Want to Seize Your Assets

One common misconception is that the IRS prefers to seize your personal property and liquidate it to satisfy your tax debt. However, the process of identifying, locating, seizing, and selling your assets is a very difficult and labor-intensive process for the IRS. As such, the IRS would much rather settle with you then go down this path. Additionally, issuing a wage garnishment or bank levy is much easier and cheaper for the IRS to obtain. If you ignore your tax debts, then the IRS will likely try to use a wage garnishment or bank levy to try to collect from you as opposed to seizing your assets.