Monday, November 02, 2009

Questions for the Tax Lady: November 2nd, 2009

Check out the following new Questions for the Tax Lady answers and feel free to ask me questions through one of the links below. You can send me an email, direct message or @ reply, and I will do my best to get an answer for you!

Question #1: If the expiring homebuyers credit is extended, will it be modified to include non first-time homebuyers?

Answer: It is still a little too early to tell. Congress has not yet passed a bill to extend the credit, although there are several bills going around aimed at doing so. It will probably be a few more weeks before they take any action, but it is rumored that when they do pass the legislation it will include a $6,500 credit for non first-time homebuyers.

Question #2: How can I get a wage garnishment removed?

In order to get an IRS wage garnishment removed, you are going to need to resolve your account with the IRS. Typically, that involves filing all past due tax returns and paying all past due amounts and assessed penatlies and interest.

If you cannot afford to pay the full amount due to the IRS, then you typically can negotiate a tax debt resolution. This can be either a full settlement through an Offer in Compromise, a monthly payment plan through an Installment Agreement, or temporary protection against IRS collection through Currently Not Collectible status. Click here to learn more about the tax debt settlement services offered by my law firm.