Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Clinton Flip Flops on NYC Tax Issue

U.S. Secretary of the State Hillary Clinton, and former NYC Senator has come under fire from the city’s mayor for supposedly “stabbing the city in the back.” According to recent reports Mayor Bloomberg has accused Clinton of changing her views on tax exemptions for diplomats staying in NYC, which has resulted in nearly $250 million dollars in losses for the city.

The mayor said it is not only a double cross but also a double flip-flop. As New York's junior senator, Clinton fought to make diplomats pay up. And he said her reversal changes a longstanding policy.

"Since 1873 they've been saying this is taxable," Bloomberg said.

What's more, the mayor predicted that -- freed of paying property taxes -- some governments would see it as a business opportunity to buy up properties and make money renting them out.

"It's just patently unfair to New Yorkers and Americans and it contravenes established policy for 130-odd years and it just doesn't make sense," Bloomberg said.