Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Create Your Compelling Future in 2009 with Better Balance

Sylvia Warren of recently authored a new article on one of my favorite blogs, the Glass Hammer, on how to improve your finances in 2009. Below is a snippet from the article, but you can read the full text at this link.

Busy beyond belief before you have had a chance to give your New Year’s resolutions a second look? Perhaps the title to that Paul Simon song - Still Crazy After All These Years - describes your January 2009.

If you are ready for better balance, yet not sure how to get it, you are not alone. A national survey of 500 full-time professionals, conducted in late November 2008, tells us that even amidst layoffs 47% of the respondents desire more life balance in 2009. In addition, 86 percent of survey respondents plan to pursue better balance in 2009.

Gaining better balance takes daily practice. T. Harv Eker of Peak Potentials Training says it best: “Practice does not make perfect. Practice makes permanent.” Wildly successful entrepreneurs, executives and professionals learn to leverage how they are creatures of habit. Their simple daily practices lead them to better balance habits.

With all the uncertainty and challenges of these times, a daily practice of life balance requires greater clarity, focus, and inspired action. Clarity frees you to define which life and work priorities are most important to you now. Knowing this includes understanding the hidden payoffs you received in the past from not having enough balance in your work and the rest of your life. Focus keeps your priorities in clear view so you stay on target. Attention to simple balance practices enables you to be flexible enough to avoid the burden of guilt or self-criticism. Action builds your sense of momentum.

Daily playful practices give you more and more experiences of the life balance you seek.