Monday, October 20, 2008

McCain & Palin: Obama tax plan will 'spread the wealth'


Sen. John McCain's camp on Monday continued its weekend assault on Sen. Barack Obama's tax plan, which it called an attempt to "spread the wealth."

Speaking at a campaign event in St. Charles, Missouri, McCain said Obama "wants to spread the wealth around."

A chorus of boos rang out as the senator from Arizona continued, "He believes in redistributing wealth -- not in policies that grow our economy and create jobs and opportunities for all Americans. Sen. Obama is more interested in controlling who gets your piece of the pie than in growing the pie."

In Colorado Springs, Colorado, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin also continued her line of attack from the weekend, but softened her tone in that she didn't call Obama's plan outright socialism.

"Our opponent's plan is just more big government, and John and I think that that is the problem, not the solution," she said. "Instead of taking your hard-earned money and spreading your wealth, we want to spread opportunity so people like you and Joe the plumber can create new wealth."