Saturday, April 05, 2008

Two W-2’s, and a Partial Payment in a Money Tree…

Today is the second day of taxes, and the featured article at is titled, “9 Ways to Cut Down on Paper Usage this Tax Season.” Below is a summary of the article, but be sure to check out for the full version along with details on how you can win $500 in gift cards!

1) Keep all important documents and tax forms in a designated file, drawer, or even box.

2) E-file your state and federal income returns.

3) E-file quarterly tax payments.

4) Save copies of online purchases on CD-R and thumb drives instead of printing them out.

5) Use software or electronic payments for payroll taxes.

6) Use a virtual fax instead of a fax machine that prints out on paper.

7) If you intend to buy a new car, consider making the purchase online.

8) Paper has two-sides: use both!

9) Print preview before every print.