Monday, December 17, 2007

IRS Expands Their Fast Track Settlement Program

Recently the IRS announced that it would be expanding the number of test areas that can take advantage of the Fast Settlement program for taxpayers under examination by the Small Business/Self-Employed (SB/SE) Division. The program will run until September 5, 2008 in the following areas: Philadelphia, central New Jersey, San Diego, Laguna Nigel, California, and Riverside, California. The program will continue in the three original test cities (Chicago, Houston and St. Paul.)

According to the IRS’ news release, “the program was designed to expedite IRS case resolution. It allows taxpayers under examination with issues in dispute work with IRS representatives from SB/SE’s examination unit and the Appeals Division to resolve those issues. Fast Track employs various techniques to facilitate case resolution. A taxpayer or IRS examination representative may initiate the Fast Track process after an issue is fully developed, and preferably before a 30-day letter is issued. The Fast Track process is designed to be completed within 60 days of acceptance of the application.”

However, taxpayers retain the right to have their issue addressed through the traditional appeals process.